Studding electronic art has opened my eyes up to the fine art side of the internet and electronics. I have always had a love for fine art and its ability to push interaction and understanding of your own brain. The 2nd party interaction that occurs between an audience and a piece of work has alway been a side of art that fascinates me. The story or concept that is conjured up when looking at a piece can be exactly as the artist wanted dreamed it to be or in the totally oposite direction. This open ended interaction is some thing I find a lot of value in.
I have a love for skiing that is rivaled by few things so natural most of my free time is spent either skiing or in the warmer parts of the year watching ski edits. I came across this super rad video on a TGR video contest. The skier is Sage Cattabriga-Alosa who is alway fun to watch but in this edit added in what I would call another dimension of sorts when talking about how creativity is expressed through skiing. The start of the edit is your run of the mill artsy fartsy ski edit with slowmo and all that good jazz. The skiing is sweet and all but as far as an edit nothing crazy. Where this edit stands out for me is the night shoot where they are using color projectors to project what seems to me like art work crated by Sage for the graphics of his pro model ski. He then skis through the graphics putting slashes with turns and you could even say reworking his artwork into another stage.
The blend between electronic arts and skiing is some thing that is really exciting for me and I am super stoked that some one was bold enough to give it a shot. Especially because there has been a recent uprising of people getting bored with ski films and the lack of some thing new.
Take a few mins to watch and let me know what you think.
Also if you are a fan of skiing make sure and check out Dale Talkingtons edit its pretty unreal.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
USA Pro Cycling Poster Challenge
Voting has opened for the poster challenge for the USA Pro Cycling Challenge. All you have to do is go and "like" their Facebook page and then go to the voting application and cast your vote. My design is this one:
Thanks and tell your friends!

Friday, April 5, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Fresh Collins
The other night I got a text from a friend that read; "Can we made a shirt that says Fresh Collins?" Once the idea was planted in my head I thought it would a pretty rad concept. I had some fun with the typography and then added a few hints to the lifestyle of Fort Collins. Pretty excited to get these printed and see how they look.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Yaqui Sport
I am excited to be a part of the Yaqui sports team. Members of the US Aerial ski team are currently flying high on the new Yaqui Pro Air 2.0. Now in the test stages are new ramp skis, park snowboard, and park skis, the Zipper bump ski, and the "Limited" high performance all mountain ski. Go give Yaqui Sports a like on facebook and get excited for things to things to come!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Early season quick edit
I have not posted a ski video sense last year, seems like too long so here is an edit filmed in two days. I am sitting at a computer screen wishing I was skiing so here is a video to daydream about. Thanks to @djdaines for the film work.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Just a lazy Saturday watching playoff football. I am currently staying with my parents in the mountains. Leadville CO to be exact the highest city in North America. That may seem like some unnecessary info but I was just trying to shed some light on why a sketch of an elk came to life while watching a bunch of meat head tackel each other. (not that isn't very entertaining.)
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